Becoming a permanent resident of Banff is no easy feat. To live in the area, you must meet the various eligibility requirements the government has implemented. For aspiring residents of Banff houses for sale, this means you must either:

  1. have primary employment in the park;
  2. operate a business necessary for day-to-day operations;
  3. live in the park for five consecutive years before retirement;
  4. be a full-time student attending a school in the park;
  5. or be the spouse, common-law partner, or dependent of an employee of the park. 

Anyone who meets one or more of these requirements can buy property and live in Banff. These requirements are intended to protect the park from development and careless residents. However, recently, the Town of Banff has proposed changes to the land use bylaw that would allow greater housing density over time. This has sparked a heated debate amongst residents. Follow along as we unpack the housing density debate and what it could mean for the future of Banff real estate.

Housing Density in Banff to Rise After Town Council Proposal

affordable housing and density in banff

Residents and council members of Banff have reached a crossroads when it comes to increasing housing density in the famed national park. On one side of the debate, community members argue that more housing is needed to boost the current rental vacancy rate. Sitting just below one percent, renters find it nearly impossible to find a property to call home. However, on the flip side, other residents are concerned that higher-density housing would pose a risk to the national park. The fear is that increased numbers of homes would result in a loss of character, livability and green space in Banff residential neighbourhoods. 

The Town of Banff proposes changes to the land use bylaw which would allow more housing density over time. This would be made possible by forgoing residential parking requirements and increasing the allowable size of buildings in neighbourhoods. The proposed changes would affect low, medium and high-density residential areas. Dave Michaels, manager of development services in Banff, noted that land use bylaws needed to be changed to encourage the private sector to develop. This is a trend that has been seen amongst a variety of Canadian towns lately as many areas struggle to keep up with the demand for residential real estate. 

The municipality has received $4.66 million from the federal government as part of the Housing Accelerator Fund. The town council hopes these changes will create at least 240 new housing units by 2027. This will include the construction of 43 affordable housing units. Buildings under the new legislation will be permitted to be up to 14.5 meters tall in high-density areas, with a reduction in setbacks and an increase in total floor area. 

During the first public consultation, most residents were in favour of zoning changes.

What Does This Mean for Banff Houses for Sale?

over tourism in banff national park

The proposed zoning changes in Banff could have far-reaching effects on the local real estate market. By increasing housing density and allowing for larger buildings with reduced parking requirements, the town is positioning itself to accommodate a growing population. This influx of new housing units will likely attract a broader range of buyers and investors. For individuals who meet Banff’s stringent residency requirements, the increase in available housing could make it easier to find a suitable home, potentially easing the current housing crisis.

However, these changes might also lead to a more competitive real estate market. As more people become eligible to buy property, demand could drive up property values. This could make it even more challenging for buyers and renters to enter the market. Investors might see this as an opportunity to jump on rising property values, further intensifying competition.

On the other hand, greater housing density and the potential reduction of green spaces could impact the park’s allure. Residents who cherish the town’s natural beauty and open spaces might find the changes unappealing. The shift in the town’s character, from a serene national park setting to a more densely populated area, might deter some potential buyers or tourists who prioritize these qualities.

Moreover, the development of larger buildings and the reduction in parking requirements could lead to logistical challenges. For example, increased traffic and pressure on existing infrastructure. This could affect the quality of life for current residents and might require additional investments in public services and amenities to keep pace with the growing population.

Contact us Today!

If you are interested in learning more about zoning changes to Banff houses for sale, get in touch today! 

Banff is a one-of-a-kind town to live and work in. Contact us today to learn more about all of the amazing opportunities that come with living in Banff. For more information, feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you have about this area. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future!

The Banff pedestrian zone has been trending in the news lately for its controversial impact on the community. While some residents are happy to see its return to Banff this summer, others are not as thrilled. The Banff pedestrian zone has long been a point of contention since its start during COVID-19. Originally, the pedestrian zone was put into place as a pilot project in 2020. This was to ensure that social distancing could happen safely during the initial heights of the pandemic. Four years later, this project remains in full effect, raising questions about its influence on the local real estate market. 

The presence of a car-free zone in downtown Banff can significantly alter the desirability of properties in the area. Thus, impacting property values and investment opportunities. To help you better understand the ongoing debate surrounding the pedestrian zone, and how it relates to the real estate market, we wrote this blog post.

Follow along below to learn more!

All About the Banff Pedestrian Zone

As mentioned above, the Banff pedestrian zone began in 2020 during COVID-19. The project served as a way to monitor physical distancing and maintain tourism in Banff during the pandemic. This pilot project was supported by many local businesses on Banff Avenue and frequent visitors. Each year between May Long Weekend and the end of Thanksgiving, Banff closes off Banff Avenue. This occurs between the 100 and 200 blocks and disallows all vehicle traffic.

When Banff Avenue is closed off during the summer, residents and tourists can access Banff’s main attractions on foot. It also reduces the number of cars in the area and makes Banff Avenue a central plaza for pedestrians. In 2023, Banff’s elected officials voted in favour of maintaining the pedestrian zone on an annual basis. Nearly two-thirds of business owners in Banff were in favour of this decision. Moreover, numerous residents were excited about the pedestrian zone’s annual return. This was mainly because it made the town more accessible and promoted greener ways of transportation. However, the decision to make the Banff pedestrian zone a yearly occurrence did not come without backlash.  

Many long-time residents have come forward since the onset of the pedestrian zone. They have noted their concerns about how it changes the dynamics of the community. While a major purported benefit of the pedestrian zone is less traffic, residents have clarified that the pedestrian zone is not effective in this regard. Instead, it diverts traffic to local side streets and residential areas where permanent residents live. This has caused unwanted noise and traffic to make tourist areas more appealing. As such, this year, a petition to cease the pedestrian zone has come about. The town is now preparing to rescind its 2023 decision at its May 13th meeting. 

How Does the Pedestrian Zone in Banff Affect Real Estate?

With the uncertainty of the Banff pedestrian zone hanging in the balance, questions have risen about how the local real estate market will be impacted in the event of its removal. One of the main impacts that we foresee will be a change in property value. The removal of the pedestrian zone will likely restore the quiet that is usually present during the off-season in Banff. However, it could also reduce property values that have been buoyed by the attraction of a pedestrian-friendly downtown area. 

For those who own the remaining short-term rental properties in Banff, the elimination of the pedestrian zone could take away some of the appeal that these investments hold. Banff’s pedestrian zone has quickly become a main attraction for tourists visiting the town. By getting rid of the pedestrian zone, some tourists may not return or participate in town activities in the same way that they once did. Conversely, properties that were less desirable for short-term rentals may become more attractive for long-term tenants seeking a quieter living environment.

As for commercial properties, ceasing the pedestrian zone will likely mark a major shift in how commercial businesses operate during peak season. Without the pedestrian zone, businesses that rely heavily on foot traffic from the pedestrian zone may need to adjust their strategies to attract customers. The return of vehicle traffic to Banff Avenue could mean that businesses need to focus more on traditional storefront advertising and parking accessibility to draw in customers. It’s also worth considering the impact on businesses that have invested in outdoor seating and other amenities specifically designed for the pedestrian zone. The removal of the pedestrian zone could result in these businesses needing to reevaluate their outdoor setups and potentially make costly adjustments to adapt to the new traffic patterns.

Contact us Today to Learn More!

If you are interested in learning more about the Banff pedestrian zone, get in touch today

Banff is an incredible area to live and work. Reach out today to learn more about all of the amazing opportunities that come with living in Banff. For more information, feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you have about living/working in this incredible area. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you! 

Real estate in Banff has long been desirable. However, post-COVID-19, it seems as though the recreational real estate market has been outpacing supply in many regions. Especially, in places like Banff. Over the course of the pandemic, many people took up remote work and outdoor hobbies. With tourism and the outdoors being two of the main economic drivers in Banff, homes are being snatched up at every opportunity. In this article, we will be going over a quick market update for houses for sale in Banff. As well as, providing some information about the main economic drivers in Banff. Continue reading below to learn more. 

Economic Drivers in Banff

Banff has been established as an outdoor playground for adventurers around the world. And, many tourists who visit Banff end up wanting to stay more permanently. Skiers, climbers, hikers, bikers, and kayakers are all drawn to the desirable landscape that surrounds this famed mountain town. 

Anyone who has been to Banff before would know that tourism is the town’s main economic driver. Roughly 90 percent of Banff’s economy is based on tourism. Each year over four million people make the trek to Banff to experience the outdoor paradise that this town has to offer. Banff National Park is one of the most popular destinations for tourists. Especially since it is home to numerous trails, hot springs, climbing routes, and ski runs. Because Banff is located within a national park, the amount of commercial space is very limited. The government works hard to ensure that commercial activities remain within the guidelines outlined in the Banff Incorporation Agreement. Despite the small commercial sector, Banff generates billions of dollars each year thanks to the booming tourism industry. 

houses for sale in Banff

What’s New With Houses for Sale in Banff?

Now that we’ve exited the pandemic, many people are still hung up on their COVID lifestyles. Whether that be remote work or those who’ve made their outdoor hobbies a permanent habit. For towns close to outdoor amenities like lakes, beaches, or mountains, this has led to red-hot real estate markets. So, it comes as no surprise that the Banff market is moving rather quickly. Real estate professionals in the area are expecting things to get even busier as the weather warms.

Houses for sale in Banff and Canmore have been selling within windows as short as 72 hours! Many people are eager to get their hands on a property in one of these two areas due to their proximity to Banff National Park. Unfortunately for buyers, purchasing property in Banff isn’t an easy feat due to restricted homeownership. The federal government has put several rules into place to make sure that not just anyone can buy up real estate in the area. This is done in an effort to maintain the beauty of the park so that generations of people can experience all that there is to see!

Recreational property investors are looking to places like Banff and Canmore as a lucrative option to pad their monthly income. In addition to this, those who don’t need to be in the office every day are seeking secondary homes to work from during their days away. These types of buyers are a key factor in why real estate is moving so quickly in places like Banff and Canmore. 

Tips for Buying in a Hot Market

For those looking to purchase real estate in one of these towns, it will be important to act quickly. Given the fast-paced climate of the market, buyers will need to be ready to make a decision about a home at a moment’s notice. This means that buyers need to have their priorities in order ahead of time. Some of the advice that we often give to buyers during a hot market includes:

  • Understanding what you need out of your new home and what you can sacrifice.
  • Coming to terms with the fact that there is no such thing as a perfect home when buying a new property.
  • Having your finances in order (e.g. getting a mortgage pre-approval, creating a solid budget, etc)
  • Knowing your limits

Contact us About Houses for Sale in Banff!

If you are interested in purchasing houses for sale in Banff, contact us today! Banff is an incredible area to own a property. Reach out today to learn more about all of the amazing opportunities that come with living in real estate in Banff. For more information, feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you have about living in this amazing city. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content and visit our social media page! We look forward to working with you in the near future!

Owning a house for sale in Banff is a desirable investment for nearly all Canadians. With endless amenities and jaw-dropping, 360-degree views, it’s no wonder that so many people want to call Banff home. But, how does one acquire real estate in Banff? And, is it really all that worth it to make Banff your permanent home? In this article, we hope to answer all of your most common questions about buying a house for sale in Banff. Follow along below to learn more about real estate in this famed national park. 

Why Choose Banff? The Pros.

  1. Outdoor Paradise & Lots to Do

One of the best advantages of living in Banff is that you get to experience its outdoor landscape every single day. For example, head to one of Banff’s numerous renowned ski hills like Norquay or Sunshine Village for an afternoon of hitting the slopes. Or, take your pick of one of many hiking, biking and running trails and explore the environment around you. Besides the paradise in your backyard, Banff is a cure-all for boredom. Since it is a tourist hotspot, there’s always something to do—especially, if you love being outdoors!

  1. Sense of Community

Another perk of living in Banff is the incredible sense of community. Since living in Banff is no easy feat, there is a very minimal permanent population. This helps to foster a tight-knit community.

  1. Great Business Economy

As you may have suspected, Banff’s biggest economic driver is tourism. Tourism is the primary factor in why the Banff economy has been able to do so well over the past few years. 

Why Not to Choose Banff? The Cons.

  1. Need to Reside Clause

The Need to Reside clause is something that all prospective buyers must understand. The government of Alberta has made it incredibly difficult for just anyone to purchase property in Banff. This is all with the goal of preserving the natural environment. However, unfortunately, this pushes out even the most well-intentioned buyers. In order to satisfy the Need to Reside Clause, you must have an active or planned business within the town, a blood relation to another person in the town, or have lived in the park since 1981. 

  1. Abundance of Tourists

Banff is a lot of things, but big isn’t one of them. This small mountain town gets millions of visitors every year, during all seasons. If you aren’t into the tourist town vibe, then perhaps Banff isn’t right for you. 

  1. High Cost of Living

In addition to all of this, Banff also boasts a high cost of living. Its desirability and prestige make Banff real estate in high demand. So, naturally, you can expect the price of housing and everything else to be above average. 

How to Buy a House for Sale in Banff?

Buying a house for sale in Banff is no easy feat. And, buyers must understand that owning a home in a national park like Banff comes with some caveats. So, let’s say that you meet the Need to Reside Clause and are able to now purchase a property in Banff: how do you do it? 

Well, buying a home in Banff is similar to buying a home anywhere else in Canada—with the exception that all properties in Banff are held in a leasehold title ownership. This means that those who buy a home in Banff will only have ownership over the structure(s) on the property, but not the land itself. Contrastively, when you buy a home in other cities in Canada, your ownership is generally fee simple. This allows you to own both the land and buildings on it. 

Who Can Live in Banff?

The only people who can live in Banff are the ones who are eligible by the Need to Reside clause. Some of the reasons that you may be permitted to live in Banff include:

  • Business owners who operate a business in the park that is necessary for day-to-day operations
  • Those who live in the park for five successive years directly before they retire. 
  • Anyone who is a full-time student at a school within the park
  • Any person who is a spouse, common-law partner, or dependent of an employee of the park
  • Anyone who has primary employment in the park

Contact us About Buying a House for Sale in Banff!

If you are interested in purchasing a house for sale in Banff contact us today! Banff is an incredible area to own a property. Reach out today to learn more about all of the amazing opportunities that come with living in real estate in Banff. For more information, feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you have about living in this amazing city. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content and visit our social media page! We look forward to working with you in the near future!

Over the course of 2022, we wrote several blog articles about all things real estate. With 2022 coming to a close, we thought it would be best to close out this year’s content with a blog recap. This way you can read over any articles you missed from this year. From real estate career information to tips about buying Banff real estate, we’ve covered a number of topics. In this article, we are going to be giving you a brief recap of our blog content from 2022. Follow along below to see what we wrote on our blog over the past year!

Banff Real Estate Blog Recap – Spring and Summer

Over spring and summer, our team brought a number of articles to our readers. From May to June, we wrote about topics like buying homes in Canmore and began a mini-series of tips for real estate agents. Below is a brief recap of each article from these seasons. 

May – Information About Real Estate in Canmore.

In this article, we went over all of the basics of what you need to know before moving to real estate in Canmore. Here, you can find information about amenities, demographics, location, real estate, and local tax. If you are looking to move to Canmore we recommend reading through this article to gain some insight into what life in Canmore looks like!

June – Tips for Buying a House for Sale in Canmore

Similar to our May article, our June blog post goes over several tips on buying a home in Canmore. Purchasing a home in this town is not a simple process. Especially, if you are an inexperienced buyer. In this article, we provide you with a short guide to buying a house in the Canmore area. 

July – How to be a Successful Canmore Real Estate Agent?

At RE/MAX Alpine Realty, we are interested in helping future real estate agents just as much as our buyers and sellers. Because of this, we decided to write a small series with content for real estate agents. Our first article in this series goes over the basics of how to be successful as an agent. 

August – Networking as a Real Estate Agent in Canmore.

In August, we continued our mini-series of articles for agents and wrote all about networking. Networking is an important part of being a successful agent. This article provides several tips on how to network and gives some insight into the importance of networking. 

Fall and Winter Recap!

Sept – Real Estate Careers: Setting Yourself Apart From Other Agents.

Our September blog article was centred around setting yourself apart from other agents. More and more people are entering the real estate industry each day, because of the opportunities and challenges that it presents. The volume of people who are making this their career means that you need to stand out from the crowd. Setting yourself apart from other real estate agents is essential in gaining steady business. In this article, we’ve listed a few of our top tips on how to stand out from the crowd as an agent.

Oct –  How do I Get More Leads in my Career in Real Estate?

October capped off our mini-series on real estate agent tips. In lieu of this, we wrote about one of the most challenging and important parts of being an agent: generating leads. When you start your career in real estate it can be difficult to generate leads. Especially, when the market isn’t working in your favour. However, it is important to develop tactics and strategies to ensure that you can generate leads no matter what the world throws at you. This article includes a list of ways that you can gain more leads in your real estate career. 

Nov – How to Make Real Estate in Banff More Sustainable?

Finally, we finished off the year with an article that will kickstart our environmental series. Sustainability is an important part of maintaining the pristine environment in Banff. From large-scale renovations to simple daily practices, there are plenty of ways that you can do your part in keeping the environment clean. In this article, we put together a list of strategies that you can employ to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. 

Contact us About Banff Real Estate Today!

For more information about buying or selling a home in Banff, contact us today! We’d be happy to help you find the perfect Banff real estate for the new year. Be sure to check out our social media for the latest news and updates. And, stay tuned to our blog for more real-estate-related information. We look forward to working with you in the new year! Happy Holidays everyone. 

Sustainability is an important part of maintaining the pristine environment in Banff, Alberta. In order to keep things beautiful for future generations, it is vital that real estate in Banff is eco-friendly. There are many options to make your property sustainable. From large-scale renovations to simple daily practices, there are plenty of ways that you can do your part in keeping the environment clean. In this article, we have put together a list of strategies you can employ to reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

Follow along below to learn how you can transform your Banff home into a sustainable property. 

Big Solutions for Big Results. 

If you are looking to make a big change in your home’s energy efficiency there are a few ways to do so. However, these options do come at a cost. Despite the money invested upfront, people who choose to make the changes listed below are more likely to save money in the long run.

The first way that you can make your home more energy efficient is by adding solar panels. Solar energy is a great alternative to using traditional electricity in order to run your home. Moreover, solar panels allow you to be partially or completely energy-independent. Further, installing solar panels reduces the number of greenhouse gases emitted by your home. They also cut down the cost of your monthly electricity and power bills each month. Installing solar panels is a great way to save money and help out the local environment. 

The next way that you can help the environment, is by investing in energy-efficient appliances. For example, heat pumps, refrigerators, washers and dryers, and thermostats. It may not seem like much, but newer appliances are much better at regulating energy use and maximizing power. 

Furthermore, installing LED lightbulbs is another option for reducing your carbon footprint. Not only are LEDs better for the environment, but they also have a much longer lifespan than traditional incandescent bulbs. Using LED lighting in place of incandescent bulbs will save you money and make a greener impact on the environment around you. 

Lastly, by changing your faucet/shower heads, you can improve your water usage. In order to maximize your water use, you can install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators. Both of these additions will help cut your water bill in half and lessen your heating bill. Take it one step further and hop on the cold shower train for even more environmental action!

Simple Tasks to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint for Real Estate in Banff.

Installing solar panels isn’t within reach for everyone, and we understand that. However, there are plenty of other ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint. And, most of them cost less than $100. That means that you can do your part even on a budget!

The first way that you can reduce your carbon footprint, is by creating a compost and recycling station. Composting is a fascinating process that allows you to maximize your food waste. To begin compositing you’ll need a compost bin where you can put all of your organic material (uncooked fruits, vegetables, meat, legumes, coffee grounds, etc). Eventually, this material will break down and turn into rich soil for gardens, landscaping, and more. Besides enriching your soil, composting minimize methane emissions from landfills. 

In addition, you can start a recycling station inside your home. All you need to start is three different bins. One for glass, one for paper/plastic, and one for miscellaneous items. Put your recycling station in your kitchen or the most convenient place for you, and practice separating your waste. This is a great way to help out the environment and the local landfill. 

Finally, individuals who are looking to become more eco-friendly in their homes can try these simple practices:

  1. Use reusable bags
  2. Buy some house plants
  3. Buy used items when you can
  4. Avoid unnecessary paper use (phone books, pamphlets, paper bills, etc)
  5. Use natural cleaning products
  6. Buy products with minimal or no packaging
  7. Avoid paper towels
  8. Learn to love cold water
  9. Dry your clothes outside (weather permitting)
  10. Fix leaks and insulation

Contact us About Real Estate in Banff!

Banff is an incredibly gorgeous place to live. And, it is vital that residents do their part to keep the environment pristine. There are plenty of ways to make real estate in Banff eco-friendly. For more information about homes in this area, contact us today. We would be happy to help you find a home in Banff. You can also visit our social media page for the latest updates and more. We look forward to working with you in the near future.